(603) 2786 8080 [email protected]

What Do We Do


Sentral-REIT offers a wide range of office space in strategic locations to suit all your business needs. Our facilities management team consists of qualified professionals from the real estate profession, including engineers, chargemen and qualified building management personnel.

With our proven track record, we are able to understand and meet the requirements of our tenants. Should you have enquiries on spaces available for rent, you may call the leasing team directly at:

Ms. Christie Pun

Senior Manager, Lease Administration

Office : +603-2786 8080

Mobile : 016-331 3243

Email : [email protected]

Ms. Alice Yap

Manager, Lease Administration

Office : +603-2786 8080

Mobile : 016-323 0701

Email : [email protected]


Sentral REIT maintain a prudent investment strategy and selectively acquire additional properties that meet the investment criteria to enhance yields and return while improving portfolio diversification. The acquisition strategy takes into consideration rental yield, occupancy and tenant characteristics, location, value-adding opportunities, and building and facilities specifications.

Sentral REIT intends to hold the properties on a long-term basis. However, at the appropriate time, the Manager will recommend an adjustment of the portfolio mix through acquisition or sale of one or more of the authorised investments or commercial properties with the objective of maximising total returns to unitholders. The proceeds from such sales would be either deployed to purchase other attractive authorised investments or, in the absence of appropriate investments, distributed to unitholders.

For investment proposals, you may contact the investment team directly at:

Mr. Yusoff Iskandar Mohd Zaki

General Manager Investment & Investor Relations

Office : +603-28597168 (DL )

Email : [email protected]

Ms. Estee Hew

Senior Manager, Investment & Asset Management

Office : +603-2859 7122 (DL)

Email : [email protected]

Investment/Divestment Milestone

Click here for a full list of our property portfolio.